by design

no coincidences, no accidents, every thing has a purpose, you just have to find it. sometimes it's right under your nose. sometimes it takes years.

Location: Canada

i like lots of stuff but i don't get a lot of time to do them all, i have 2 sons. They keep me pretty busy.

Monday, March 27, 2006

schools back

well, that was an interesting march break - like the ENTIRE MONTH!! gorramit, a forced break. the worst part is the project that was due on the 29 (in two days) is probably still due even if asking the teacher for help during the "break" was impossible. if you don't understand something and it's illegal for the teacher to answer your questions should you get an extension? i hope so. i wonder if the tuitions will go down because of this, or were the teachers just using the students wellbeing as an excuss?? i guess we won't know. well, one thing i do know is it will mess up my work schedule something fierce. i have already booked half of last years clients. when my schedule is full... maybe i won't graduate after all. GO-SE!!!!!!

well, better get over to the greenhouse before someone tries to kill my plants.


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