by design

no coincidences, no accidents, every thing has a purpose, you just have to find it. sometimes it's right under your nose. sometimes it takes years.

Location: Canada

i like lots of stuff but i don't get a lot of time to do them all, i have 2 sons. They keep me pretty busy.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Malcolm Reynolds

that's the name of my very expensive free kitten. someone found him alright. and they took him to the humane society where i had to pay to get him back.. not just the stray fees for keeping him. i had to get Kiki's shots updated before i was alowed to bring Mal home. that was 70$ ish, then the adoption fees where 140$ ish. man, at least he got a microchip out of the deal. and he is licensed, and he has his shots. it's great they even cut his nails!!! ok gettings his nails cut isn't worth 220$, but whatever. there has to be a bright side.

in other news. HOLY crap i'm glad the long weekend was when it was. i was burning out. we have had ten straight days of cool wet weather. now that's nothing if you live in Vancouver, say. but if you live in ottawa it's unheard of. we are actually getting a spring. normally it is so fast you don't even realize it happened. well as a gardener, it's been nuts. the gardens are beautiful and the weeds are soooooo happy. man, i realized i could live in vancouver. although, it hasn't been raining during the day....

maybe vancouver can wait a little bit longer. they do have an awesome program at Capilano and at Kwantlan. learn some new perennials....

Friday, May 12, 2006

I passed all my classes

don't know what to do now, but i have graduated. i want to go to the ceremony and get the picture with the hat thing, but i don't even know when that is. it will be nice to graduate something. i never went to prom or anything like that. we had a party at the end of grade eight, but that's not the same.

on the sad side, my new kitten got out yesterday at some point and now we can't find him anywhere. he is only 9 months old. we had a big wind storm last night and heavy rain all day today so i am worried that my baby didn't get somewhere safe. i hope he is ok.

Friday, May 05, 2006


Have - finished classes (waiting for grade posting)
have - mostly finished moving, just a few more things to get sorted out
have - started working full time, starting regular maintenance next week
have - a new kitten to piss of Miss Kitty and give the boy a sense of responsability
have - made enought to pay my credit card
have - to unpack all the damn boxes

still don't know if i have passed all my classes and can graduate this june, but that's ok. i have a little bit more painting to do but we are settle in. now i have to finish unpacking, and get the living room in order. maybe start working on the basement. man, i never thoguht i would turn into a work-o-holic.

gotta keep busy !!!!!!