by design

no coincidences, no accidents, every thing has a purpose, you just have to find it. sometimes it's right under your nose. sometimes it takes years.

Location: Canada

i like lots of stuff but i don't get a lot of time to do them all, i have 2 sons. They keep me pretty busy.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

two week extention

well, good news for me they cancelled the second lab and are extending by one week and i will still be done school by the third week of april. YE-HAAAAAA!!!! there is a two week extention on the soils project and that is great.
one of the bonsai died, but that was bound to happen anyway. the poor thing was just taking a really long time to die is all. no way to avoid it.
on the bright side, i made a little pre-bonsai out of a maple tree last year and it survived the winter. :) that makes me double plus happy.
i didn't sing with the band last night, but it was due to some miscommunications. we needed more practice but gerg forgot to mention that. it's ok, they are going to play again in two weeks.
i'm supposed to go to smithfalls tomorrow with the class, but the boy has a pd day. it's parent teacher interviews. oops. guess i can't go to see the greenhouse i saw last year. maybe i can write it from memeory. we'll see...

Monday, March 27, 2006

schools back

well, that was an interesting march break - like the ENTIRE MONTH!! gorramit, a forced break. the worst part is the project that was due on the 29 (in two days) is probably still due even if asking the teacher for help during the "break" was impossible. if you don't understand something and it's illegal for the teacher to answer your questions should you get an extension? i hope so. i wonder if the tuitions will go down because of this, or were the teachers just using the students wellbeing as an excuss?? i guess we won't know. well, one thing i do know is it will mess up my work schedule something fierce. i have already booked half of last years clients. when my schedule is full... maybe i won't graduate after all. GO-SE!!!!!!

well, better get over to the greenhouse before someone tries to kill my plants.

Monday, March 20, 2006


i'm the best little sister ever. i got my brother THE FLU for his birthday. :) tee hee hee. well, actually i think it was my boy that gave it to him. i was already done being infectious when i saw him, but alec wasn't. had a good time in BC despite the flu. had an alergic reaction - that never happens. but i got to go to blodel conservatory. wow it's pretty in there. they have cockatoos (sp?) and gorgeous flower arrangments. nothing algonquin couldn't do, but they have tropical plants that are 15m tall. :O it was beautiful.
go tto go to the science centre too. that was interesting. small, but interesting. alec loved it. i think they needed to explain the science a little more. they had this really cool shadow room, but there was no explanation as to how it works. that would have been nice on all the displays. kinda reminded me of the childrens section at the musee des civilizations. lots of activities.
well i'm home now and trying really hard to get some studying done, but it's really hard when you have no idea when you are going to be in class next. the strike is still on. i never thought it would happen. last year and the year before they threatened to strike and it never happened. well, i guess i have to stop procrastinating. i wish i had a teacher to ask questions of, though.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Your Ultimate Sci-Fi Profile II: which sci-fi crew would you best fit in?

You scored as Serenity (Firefly).

cuz i'm a Big Damn Hero!

You like to live your own way and don’t enjoy when anyone but a friend tries to tell you should do different. Now if only the Reavers would quit trying to skin you.

Serenity (Firefly) 100%

Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 94%
Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 81%
Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 81%
Moya (Farscape) 69%
SG-1 (Stargate) 69%
Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 63%
Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 63%
Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 50%
Enterprise D (Star Trek) 50%
Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 50%
FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) 44%