by design

no coincidences, no accidents, every thing has a purpose, you just have to find it. sometimes it's right under your nose. sometimes it takes years.

Location: Canada

i like lots of stuff but i don't get a lot of time to do them all, i have 2 sons. They keep me pretty busy.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

march 1st

well i went to the tournament last Saturday, but i didn't compete. i didn't feel ready. actually i didn't even want to go , but my mom kicked me out of the house. she said that since i had made the arrangement for her to bbsit three weeks in advance she wasn't going to let me mope around the house. she took Alec skating. he was happy. there is another tournament in April sometime, but i don't know if i will go. i would love to have someone to fight with.

i signed up on one of those dating sites, but the whole instant family thing isn't very appealing to most men. it's kind of depressing. i was sooo blue last week i spent four days without leaving the house except to take Alec to and from the bus. i was so worried about Alec adjusting to not having Dede around that i didn't' bother thinking how i would feel. i feel much better now though. i decided that i wasn't going to let the winter get me so down. if i was blue in the summer - which happens from time to time - i would go out. So i took a nice long shower (after Alec went to school), i put on a little make-up and i went to get a cafe and a manicure at the mall. after that i went to get my mom Adan we went to the gym. that was last Thursday. since then i have been out skating the canal - 7.6 Km, recorded some songs for a CD, spent 5 more hours at the gym, and finished one of my designs. i feel good. the designs were really starting to bug me.

tomorrow I'm going to my mom's with my ipod to finish the second design. with any luck i will be working on installing these designs in TWO months. the back of winter was broken on Monday night. Tuesday morning was glorious. we will get a few more storms but then mother nature will win over father winter and the flowers will start. YEAH!!!

oh aparently at school today alec drew a picture of his family going bowling. we did that two weekends ago. he LOVED it. i love. we will be fine.