by design

no coincidences, no accidents, every thing has a purpose, you just have to find it. sometimes it's right under your nose. sometimes it takes years.

Location: Canada

i like lots of stuff but i don't get a lot of time to do them all, i have 2 sons. They keep me pretty busy.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

the big change

well this should be interesting. MAG is moving out. he bought a condo and is taking possesion on the first of Dec. it will be weird. i imagine he will be here a lot anyway. he doesn't know how to cook yet. on the other hand, he will have all hours of the day for his computer stuff (some work some play) he won't have to stop to say goodnight to anyone, or do the dishes, or "spend quality time" with anyone. it's a little scary for me to be living alone with alec, but at least i won't have to worry about money yet. that is the scariest part.