by design

no coincidences, no accidents, every thing has a purpose, you just have to find it. sometimes it's right under your nose. sometimes it takes years.

Location: Canada

i like lots of stuff but i don't get a lot of time to do them all, i have 2 sons. They keep me pretty busy.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

no coincidences

the last few weeks i've been pretty bummed out. i've been trying to figure out what was missing in my life. my man friend suggested painting, then writing, then a website about herbal remedies based on scientific research. none of these things really made me feel complete.

it's winter so i'm not working, even though there is no snow on the ground here, and i've just been feeling lost. then two days ago, in a response to something entirely different, an old highschool friend of mine mentions a website called Ravelry. i'd never heard of it so i check it out. talk about by Design!!! it's a site for knitters and crocheters. i spent 4 hours looking at patterns and pics of what other people have made and it inspired me to pull the needles out of the closet and really get going.

oddly, three weeks ago i went to visit my best friend on the island and she had been given some really funky yarn and two bamboo needles. she made a scarf but didn't know how to finish it off so i showed her how to cast off. which inspired me to finish the mittens i had started last year for my son.

so it is all coming together. my brain is happy to be learning something, my fingers are happy to be busy, and my boy is gonna have lots of stuff to keep him warm next winter :)

so universe, you want me to make mittens and scarves, OK.

p.s. i'm still dancing, i'm still gardening, i still sing, and life is still good.